Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Program
Due to limited funding and lack of trained staff, JURHA has decided to temporarily suspend the Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Program

The Jonesboro Urban Renewal & Housing Authority (JURHA) is proud to announce the SUCCESS of the Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Program. We currently have 18 Section 8 families who are living in their own homes which they have purchased as part of this program. Individuals or families currently receiving rental assistance may be eligible to purchase their own home. Instead of paying Section 8 rental assistance to a landlord, JURHA will make a Section 8 mortgage assistance payment to a lender AND instead of the family paying rent to their landlord, they will make a PAYMENT on their own home.
Doesn’t this sound great?!?!! You could be a proud homeowner!

How does the program work and how can I be eligible?
The Jonesboro Housing Authority is currently not accepting new applications for the Housing Choice Voucher Homeownership Program.